domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Weekly work 18th - 22nd May

Good morning!!!
Durante esta semana imos continuar coa "Unit 5 - When I was young"


 Se algún dos enlaces vos pide usuario e contrasinal, debedes empregar estes datos:
  Username: richmond2020
  Password: richmond

Activity 1: Watch the video and play True or False!
Mírao as veces que necesites!

Activity 2: Past simple verb to be (there was/there were)
There was e there were empréganse para expresar "había" "non había" ou "Había?"
- There was/There wasn't/ Was there? empréganse co singular, cando é unha soa cousa.
- There were/ There weren't/ Were there? empréganse co plural, para varias cousas.
 Mirade os videos There was/there were (affirmative/negative) and There was/there were (questions)

 Activity 3: open your activity book, page 43, do exercises 1 and 2.
(Estes exercicios podedes envialos por Google Classroom)

Activity 4: in the minibooklet, do the exercise 2 "Look, then complete: Annie's classroom"
Cando remates esta actividade, so cando remates de completar todas as frases, podes comprobar as respostas premendo aquí.


 Activity 1:  Read in the minibooklet na Lesson 7 "Punctuation"Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning.
Le no minibooklet na Lesson 7 "Punctuation". Subliña as palabras que non coñezas, búscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.

Activity 2: Watch the video about punctuation.

Activity 3: Let's practice! Do this exercise!(in the minibooklet or in a paper)
Cando remates esta actividade, so cando remates de reescribir todas as frases, podes comprobar as respostas premendo aquí.

Activity 4: read the interview in the minibooklet (Lesson 7 - Writing, exercise 3)

Activity 5: open your activity book, page 44, exercises 1 and 2.
(Estes exercicios podedes envialos por Google Classroom)


Activity 1: Read in the minibooklet na Lesson 8 "My Ireland blog"Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning.
Le no minibooklet na Lesson 8 "My Ireland blog". Subliña as palabras que non coñezas, búscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.
 Watch the video (You can read it in the minibooklet)

Activity 2: in the minibooklet , do exercise 2 "True or False"
Cando remates esta actividade, podes comprobar as respostas premendo aquí.

 Activity 3: pay attention to the new words. Listen and repeat!

Activity 4: activity book, page 45 do exercise 1(tedes o vídeo co listening abaixo), 2 and 3.
(Estes exercicios podedes envialos por Google Classroom)
Se tedes problemas para ver o vídeo premede aquí.

E nada máis por esta semana!
Big big hugs! 😊

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