domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

Weekly work 25th-29th May

Good morning!!!
Durante esta semana imos repasar a "Unit 5 - When I was young" e comezaremos o novo tema "Unit 6 - Incredible inventions"


 Se algún dos enlaces vos pide usuario e contrasinal, debedes empregar estes datos:
  Username: richmond2020
  Password: richmond

Activity 1:Do the reading about an interview.

Activity 2: Do the reinforcement worksheet.
Activity 3: do the listening activity about computers


 Activity 1: Read the first page of the minibooklet Unit 6 "Incredible Inventions".
(lemos a portada do Minibooklet do tema 6 que nos explica que imos aprender nesta unidade)

Activity 2: watch the video and repeat the words ( pay attention to the pronunciation!)


Activity 3: In the minibooklet , do the exercise "look and match" (Lesson 1) para repasar o vocabulario que acabamos de ver (se tedes dúbidas do seu significado buscade no diccionario)
(Se non tedes impreso o minibooklet podedes facelo nun folio)

Activity 4: go to the activity book, page 46 and do the exercises 1 and 2.
- No exercicio 1 debedes unir as palabras da primeira columna coa segunda e formar palabras compostas. Logo completade a pregunta e respondende "What are your three favourite inventions?" (Cales son os teus tres inventos favoritos?)
- No exercicio 2 completade as oracións coas palabras do recadro e coas palabras do exercicio 1.


Activity 1: Past simple (affirmative, negative and questions)
Algunha vez falamos sobre o pasado, recordade que os verbos regulares o forman engadindo -ed ao infinitivo (por exemplo: play/played , xogo/xoguei).
Recordade tamén que empregamos o auxiliar para formar as oracións negativas e as preguntas, en presente utilizamos "do/does" en pasado empregamos "did" (única forma para todas as persoas)
Watch the videos about  "The past simple of regualr verbs:affirmative/negative" and "The past simple of regular verbs:questions"

Activity 2: In the minibooklet, read "Science Week" in Lesson 2. Look for the unknown words. (Lede o texto e buscade as palabras que non coñezades)

 Activity 3: Watch the video about the reading "Science Week".


Activity 4: In the minibooklet do the exercise 2 "Correct the mistakes" about the reading.
Cando rematedes comprobade aquí.

Activity 5: In the activity book, do exercise 1, page 47 about the reading "Science Week".

Esto é todo por esta semana, visitade a Google Classroom para enviarme os traballos que ides facendo. 
 Have a nice week!
A big big hug! 😊

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