viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Weekly work 15th - 19th June

Good morning!
This is the last week of the course šŸ˜± next week you will be on holidays! šŸ’ƒAll of you were working a lot, sending me your exercises. You were very responsible and hard-working, I'm very
proud of youšŸ‘ But please you should read and keep on learning English. I will post you some resources or materials to practise English during the summer break šŸ˜Š
It was a pleasure to be your teacher, I hope next year we will have a normal course šŸ‘

Here you have the work for this week:


 Se vos pide usuario e contrasinal, xa coƱecedes os datos:
  Username: richmond2020
  Password: richmond

Activity 1: Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 7 - Writing" and read the text about "Compound words". Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning.
Abre o teu minibooklet na "Lesson 7 - Writing" e le o texto sobre "Compound words" (Palabras compostas). SubliƱa as palabras que non coƱezas, bĆŗscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.

Activity 2: Watch the video about the text and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Activity 3: In the minibooklet do the exercise "Combine words" following the text.
No minibooklet fai o exercicio de combinar palabras que sigue ao texto.
Comproba as tras respostas aquĆ­.

Activity 4: Activity book, page 52, do exercise 1.
Fai o Exercicio 1 da PƔxina 52 do Activity Book.
Recuerda que las algunas palabras compuestas pueden ir juntas y otras separadas!

Activity 5: In the minibooklet , Lesson 7 do the exercise 3 "Read and complete"
En el minibooklet na Lesson 7 , fai o exercicio 3 Lee e completa cos verbos que tes no recadro.
Cando remates, comproba aquĆ­.

Activity 4: Activity book, page 52, do exercises 2 and 3.
Fai os exercicios 2 e 3 da pƔxina 52 do Activity Book.
No exercicio nĆŗmero 2 debes escoller e planear e no exercicio nĆŗmero 3 debes escribir esos planes que fixeches no 2.


Activity 1: Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 8 - Culture" and read the text about "Canadian inventions". Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning. 
Abre o teu minibooklet na "Lesson 8 - Culture" and read the text about "Canadian inventions". SubliƱa as palabras que non coƱezas, bĆŗscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.

Activity 2: Watch the video about "Canadian inventions" pay attention to the pronunciation.

Activity 3:  Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 8 - Culture" and do the exercise "True or False" about the text "Canadian inventions". 
Abre o minibooklet na "Lesson 8 - Culture" e fai o exercicio "True or False" sobre o texto "Canadian inventions"
Cando remates comproba as respostas aquĆ­.

Activity 4: In the minibooklet read "My new words" and look for their meaning. Then do listen and repeat to learn the pronunciation.
No minibooklet le "My new words" e Busca o seu significado. Logo fai listen and repeat (Escoita e repite) para aprender a pronunciaciĆ³n.

Activity 3:  Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 9 - Review" and do the exercise 1 "Complete the text" while you listen to the video.
Abre o teu minibooklet na "Lesson 9 - Review" e fai o exercicio 1 , completa o texto coas palabras do recadro mientras escoitas o vĆ­deo.

Cando termines, comproba aquĆ­.

Activity 4: Activity book, page 53, do exercise 1 while you're listening to the video.
No activity book, na PĆ”xina 53, fai o exercicio 1 escoitando este vĆ­deo.
Escribe os inventos e as suas datas.

Activity 4: Activity book, page 53, do exercises 2 and 3.
No activity book , na PƔxina 53 Fai os ejercicios 2 e 3.

E o xoves vos deixo descansar, para que celebredes que o curso terminou ;)
Big big big hugs!!!

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