domingo, 7 de junio de 2020

Weekly work 8th - 12th June

Good morning!!!
Durante esta semana imos continuar coa "Unit 6 - Incredible inventions"


 Se algún dos enlaces vos pide usuario e contrasinal, debedes empregar estes datos:
  Username: richmond2020
  Password: richmond

Activity 1: Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 4 - Reading" and read the text about "Chinese inventions". Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning.
Abre o teu minibooklet na "Lesson 4 - Reading" e le o texto sobre "Chinese inventions". Subliña as palabras que non coñezas, búscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.

Activity 2: Watch the video about "Chinese inventions" and pay attention to the pronunciation.
Mira o vídeo sobre "Chinese inventions" e presta atención á pronunciación.

Activity 3: In your minibooklet in "Lesson 4- Reading" do the exercise 3 "Find and write" about the text  "Chinese inventions". Then learn "my new words"
No teu minibooklet na "lesson 4" Fai o exercicio 3 "Encontra e escribe" sobre "Chinese inventions". Busca o invento sobre o que falan e escribe o seu nome. Logo aprende "my new words".

Activity 4: Activity book, page 49, do exercises 1, 2 and 3.



Se algún dos enlaces vos pide usuario e contrasinal, debedes empregar estes datos:
  Username: richmond2020
  Password: richmond

Activity 1: Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 5 - Story" and read the "Story".Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning.
Abre o teu minibooklet na "Lesson 5 - Story" e le o texto. Subliña as palabras que non coñezas, búscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.

Activity 2: Watch the video about the story.

Activity 3: Answer these questions about the video.
Responde a estas preguntas sobre o vídeo.
Cando remates preme  aquí para comprobar.

 Activity 4: Open your activity book, page 50. Do exercises 1, 2  and "Think about it" about the story.Abre o teu activity book, páxina 50. Fai os exercisios 1, 2 e o "Think about it" sobre a story.


Activity 1: Waych the video and listen and say the year.
Escoita e di o ano, así repasaremos como dicimos os anos en inglés.


Activity 2: Open your minibooklet in "Lesson 6 - New Language" and read about "Steve Jobs".Underline the unknown words, look for them in the dictionary and write down their meaning.
Abre o teu minibooklet na "Lesson 6 - New words" e le o texto sobre "Steve Jobs". Subliña as palabras que non coñezas, búscaas no dicionario e apunta o seu significado.

 Activity 3: Watch the video about the reading.

Activity 4: Do the exercise "True or false" about the reading in the minibooklet "Lesson 6 - New words"

Activity 5: Do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 at page 51 in the activity book.

E nada máis por esta semana!
Big big big hugs! 😊

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